Men’s Health Month: Screenings for Early Detection of Heart Disease

  • Posted on: Jun 6 2014
  • By:

Men’s health is in the spotlight for the month of June. For the most part, men habitually avoid going to see their doctors until there is some sort of health emergency. Women out live men on average of 5 years in the United States, with cardiovascular disease as the leading cause for men’s death. The average age for male deaths related to cardiovascular disease is under 65. There are certain precautionary measures men can take to preserve their heart health, but many neglect to do so. To follow are a few suggestions to keep in good practice to living a healthier, longer life. If you already have heart disease, adapting these tips into your lifestyle can help extend your life. Visit a cardiologist to learn about screenings and tests available to help detect heart disease in its early stages.

  1.  Monitor your blood pressure and cholesterol regularly. Annual check-ups with your general practitioner can establish a base line for both blood pressure and cholesterol. Any variance recorded can be controlled by quitting smoking, diet and exercise, and medication.
  2. Manage stress. Learning to take a deep breath before reacting to something stressful, or even take up jogging or yoga.
  3. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and lay off fast foods loaded with trans fat and saturated fats. Foods high in dangerous fats create plaque that clog arteries.
  4. Limit alcohol intake. There are plenty of studies suggesting that a glass of red wine can have benefits to heart health, however, too much alcohol can have devastating effects on the heart.
  5. Ask a cardiologist if going on an aspirin regimen is right for you. Daily low-doses of aspirin have proven to lower risk of having a heart attack.

Cardiologists in Los Angeles

For more information on men’s heart health and available testing, contact cardiologists Dr. Jeffrey F. Caren and Mark K. Urman, at their office (310) 659-0714 to schedule an appointment. You can also fill out our online contact form or visit us on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+. We look forward to serving you.

Posted in: Cholesterol, Heart attack, heart health, heart health, Heart Health Blog

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